Atmospheric Studies Using a Three-Dimensional Eulerian Model in Kyongin Region

3차원 오일러리안 확산모델을 이용한 경인산단권역의 대기거동 해석

  • 송동웅 (상지대학교 환경공학과)
  • Published : 2006.05.01


The numerical modeling and comparison with observations are performed to find out the detailed structure of meteorology and the characteristic of related dispersion phenomena of the non-reactive air pollutant at Kyoungin region, South Korea, where several industrial complex including Siwha, Banwol and Namdong is located. MM5 (Fifth Generation NCAR/Penn State Mesoscale Model), 3-D Land/sea breeze model and 3-D diagnostic meteorological model have been utilized for the meteorological simulation for September, 2002 with each different spatial resolution, while 3-D Eulerian air dispersion model for the air quality study. We can see the simulated wind field shows the very local circulation quitely well compared with in-site observations in shoreline area with complex terrains, at which the circulation of Land/sea breeze has developed and merged with the mountain and valley breeze eventually. Also it is shown in the result of the dispersion model that the diurnal variation and absolute value of daily mean $SO_2$ concentrations have good agreement with observations, even though the instant concentration of $SO_2$ simulated overestimates around 1.5 times rather than that of observation due to neglecting the deposition process and roughly estimated emission rate. This results may indicate that it is important for the air quality study at shoreline region with the complex terrain to implement the high resolution meteorological model which is able to handle with the complicate local circulation.



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