아토피 피부염 치료 처방에 대한 방제학적(方劑學的) 고찰(考察)

Study for Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis in Oriental Medical Prescription

  • 이상현 (원광대학교 한의과대학 방제학교실) ;
  • 윤용갑 (원광대학교 한의과대학 방제학교실)
  • Lee, Sang-Hyun (Dept of Oriental Medical Prescription, College of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University) ;
  • Yun, Yong-Gab (Dept of Oriental Medical Prescription, College of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University)
  • 발행 : 2006.12.29


In Oriental Medicine, Atopic dermatitis(AD) belongs to the category of the Naesun, Taesun(胎癬), Taeryumchang(胎斂瘡), Eczema(濕疹), Seupchang(濕瘡), Samanpung(四彎風), Chimumchang(浸淫瘡). The Basic Prescriptions which have been used for treatment of Atopic dermatitis are saengryusamultang(生料四物湯), Onchungeum(溫淸飮), Seungmagalgeuntang(升麻葛根湯),Hoichunryangkyuksan(回春凉膈散), Doghengsan(導赤散), Pyungweesan(平胃散), Heungbangpaedoksan(荊防敗毒散), Goomigangharltang(九味羌活湯), Baekhotang(白虎湯), Gaegytang(桂枝湯), Yukmigihyuangtang(六味地黃湯). AD can divide three groups, Acute-Type, Semiacute-Type, Chronic-Type, according to it's condition. This study shows that it can be applicate Seungmagalgeuntang(升麻葛根湯), Hoichunryangkyuksan(回春凉膈散), Doghengsan(導赤散), Heungbangpaedoksan(荊防敗毒散), Goomigangharltang(九味羌活湯), Baekhotang(白虎湯), Gaegytang(桂枝湯) for treatment of Acute-Type, Pyungweesan(平胃散) for treatment of Semiacute-Type, and saengryusamultang(生料四物湯), Onchungeum(溫淸飮) for treatment of Chronic-Type.
