Gender Gap in Globalization of Korea

세계화 속의 성의 격차

  • Kim Sung-Hee (Dept. of Consumer and Family-Child Studies, Sunchon National Univ.)
  • 김성희 (순천대학교 자연과학대학 소비자.가족아동학과)
  • Published : 2006.04.01


The Purpose or this research is to examine the trend or sender gap within a globalization context from 1993 to 2003 on the perspective of feminists who contend that globalization has negative effects on women on account of its masculine nature against neo-liberal viewpoint emphasizing economic efficiency and rationality. As the result of review of statistical and qualitative resources in workforce, it was found that the gender gap has trended toward increasing in some sectors such as flexible labor and high wage jobs, which shows that gender segregation by irrational culture exists in workforce. The evidence to support the neo-liberal viewpoint supposing that the gender discrimination will disappear was also found in sector of wage. The gender gap in wage has decreased during the period of globalization. The dispute of feminists was partly supported, so it was suggested that the policies for gender empowerment should be enforced to diminish gender gap that would be able to increase in the process of globalization.



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