Continuously Regenerating DPF장착에 따른 대형디젤기관의 기관성능 및 배출가스특성에 관한 연구

A Study on Exhaust Emission and Engine Performance Characteristics of Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine with Continuously Regenerating DPF

  • 발행 : 2006.05.31


The increasing numbers of automobiles keep causing air-pollution problems worse than ever. Nowadays, research on catalyst converter and filter trap as a modern technology is very active because PM is designated as a major cancer material and stringent regulations on this are necessary and required. This research emphasized on the development of Continuously Regenerating DPF technology which was the best particulate matters removing technology of current existing technology because of its superior comparability and high applicability. This experimental study has been conducted with equipped and unequipped a Continuously Regenerating DPF ona displacement 7,000cc diesel engine and compared in terms of engine performance and emission. To measure the emission, D-13 mode is applied and measured quantities of the exhaust gases, particularly in CO, HC, PM, and NOx. Therefore, this research is focused on engine performance and characteristics on exhaust emissions with the application of a Continuously Regenerating DPF in a heavy-duty diesel vehicle.
