A Study on the Measures for Work Interference Reduction in Apartment Construction

공동주택 공사의 작업간 간섭 감소 방안에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2006.03.01


Apartments construction is a one of largest parts in buildings construction. In apartments construction, work interferences are frequently occurred in work processing because workspaces are very various and numerous. However, though work process is important for mainly influencing to the schedule, quality and cost of apartments construction, these work interferences are considered a kind of uncertainty, which is difficult to anticipate at construction planning stage, in work processing. Therefore, this study proposed the measures for work interference reduction in apartment buildings construction and the actual planning for practices. The results can be summarized as follows: (1) the standard of work process is checked regularly. (2) The scope of work and work process is adjusted. (3) The standard of drawings process and cost about work interferences work profess is established.



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Cited by

  1. Workspace Generation and Interference Optimization Algorithm by Work-type using 3D Model Object in a Construction Project vol.34, pp.6, 2014,