A Study on the Using ClayMineral as an Admixture about Componential Analysis

점토광물을 혼화재로 활용키 위한 특성 분석에 관한 연구

  • 임도순 ((주)원건축사사무소 기술연구소) ;
  • 류현기 (충주대학교 건축공학과)
  • Published : 2006.03.01


Although the clays were one of the major materials of building constructions, presently, its functions are lesser and the cements take its place as building materials. however, the IAQ problems such as $CO_2$ increase, Rn gas and VOCs occurrence should be imperative from production and construction processes of the cements. This study aims to develop the alternate clay compounds to cements and analyze its properties by experimental tests. For the study, the claymineral of Chungchong-bukdo 10 areas are used. The chemical and structural properties are experimentally analyzed and the pozzolan reaction possibilities of clays are executed.



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