건강가정지원 서비스에서 가족-중심 개입 프로그램의 개발 및 실시: 통합 장애아 가족의 능력강화를 위한 생태학적 접근

Implementing Family-Based Intervention Program at Healthy Family-Support Center: An Ecological Approach for Empowerment of Families with Mildly Handicapped Children

  • 윤종희 (동덕여자대학교 사회복지학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.04.30


The purpose of the study was to develop family-based intervention program to be implemented and disseminated via "Healthy Family-Support Center." This preventive-empowerment program was designed to intervene with parenting mildly handicapped children enrolled at integrated kindergarten. The theoretical backgrounds employed were ecological theory, preventive family-based intervention approach, and theraplay theory. The pretest-posttest control-group design with random assignment was applied. The research model yielded a significant intervention effect(t=-1.294, p<0.05) on mothers' parenting stress. With proven effectiveness of family-based intervention program, the study further discussed why an ecological, family-based intervention model was a relevant alternative to investigate issues in family welfare, and why an individualized family service plan was a relevant tool to deliver services-in-context for the families who needed supports from exo-and macrosystems.



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