전문대학 조리과 학생들의 진로태도 유형별 성격 연구

The Characteristics of Career Attitude on the College Students Specializing in Hotel and Culinary by Personality Type

  • 김종훈 (경남정보대학 호텔외식조리과)
  • Kim, Jong-Hoon (Dept. of Foodservice Culinary of Kyungnam College of Information & Technology)
  • 발행 : 2006.04.30


The purpose of this study was to understand the character of career attitude according to the group type which was identified and measured by Q methodology. The subjects were 38 junior students attending hotel & food service culinary management at Kyungnam College of Information & Technology. For the study, 88 variances of Lee's career attitude were used. In the career attitude items, 26 variances of career attitude were selected by factor analysis. The 26 variances explained 70.44% of all variances. Twenty-six variances were used on Q sorting from which 9 group types were identified by SPSS window program, and these 9 occupied 75.627%n of all variance. The groups were classified into two parts extroversion and introversion. Four groups(1, 3, 6, and 9) were identified as extroversion, and 5 groups(2, 4, 5, 7, and 8) as introversion. Group 1 was explained 10.270% of all groups, group 2(14.352%), group 3(10.270%), group 4(7.527%), group 5(6.314%), group 6(5.726%), group 7(5.469%), group 8(5.006%), and group 9(4.145%). Group 1 was named as "active challenge type", group 2 as "passive consideration type", group 3 as "realistic leader type", group 4 as "conservative challenge oriented type", group 5 as "conservative harmony type", group 6 as "arbitrary plan oriented type", group 7 as "realistic stability type", group 8 as "conservative creation type" and group 9 as "conservative reality type".



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