A Study on Architectural Features and Current Status of Earth Housing

흙주거의 건축적 특성 및 이용현황 분석

  • Published : 2006.02.01


The purposes of this study are to find out the current status and features of earth housing, and to explore users' level of satisfaction and needs of improvement about earth housing. Primary findings are as follows: (1) The area of earth housing is generally 25-34 pyong and the construction cost of earth housing is usually 3,000,000-3,400,000 won per pyong. (2) The age of earth house users is generally forties, fifties, and sixties. And their occupation is usually retiree and farmer. The age of earth based pension users is generally twenties and thirties. (3) The construction method of earth housing is usually earth brick structure reinforced with wood structure and earth brick structure(adobe). (4) The finish of outer wall is generally earth brick laying and earth plaster. And the finish of inner wall is usually wall paper and earth plaster. Roof tile and asphalt shingle is frequently observed as roof finish. (5) Users' satisfaction about earth housing is investigated high level. Especially, the satisfaction degrees about faculty of humidity control, stink elimination, prevention from sick house syndrome, support for psychological stabilization and deep sleep are observed very highly. (6) Reduction of construction cost and prevention of crack is investigated as needs of improvement about earth housing.



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