자유놀이 상황에서 5세 유아의 놀이집단 가입에 관한 연구

Preschoolers' naturalistic entry behaviors and the responses of the play group in relation to the structural characteristics of the group

  • 김송이 (연세대학교 어린이생활지도연구원) ;
  • 이재선 (한국 싸이버대학교 유아교육학부)
  • Kim, Song-Yee (Child Development Research Institute, Yonsei Univ.) ;
  • Lee, Jae-Seon (Dept. of Early Childhood Education, Korea Cyber Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2006.10.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate preschoolers' entry behaviors into a play group and the responses of the play group in relation to the structural characteristics of the group in a natural situation. The entry behaviors of 43 preschoolers and the responses of the play group were time-sampled. In addition the structural characteristics, including size and sex composition of the play group, and existence of a friend in the group, were checked. The following results were obtained. (1) The subjects used frequently participating behavior and wandering behavior among their entry behaviors. The wandering behavior increased and the participating behavior decreased as the size of the play group increased. Also, the subjects used wandering behaviors in the mixed group more than in the same-sex group or opposite-sex group. There was no difference in the entry behaviors according to the existence of a friend in the group. (2) The play group ignored 56% of the entry behaviors, and accepted 38% of them. The positive response of the group increased with decreasing size of the play group, whereas the entry bids were increasingly ignored as the size of the group increased. The mixed group ignored the entry bids more than the same-sex or opposite-sex group did. Also, in the presence of a friend in the group, the play group responded more positively than the group with no friend did.



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