본 연구는 복부가 비만한 노년 여성의 의복의 패턴설계를 위한 기초 자료를 제공하기 위한 목적으로 수행되었으며 이들의 체형특성을 분석하고 일반 노년 여성과의 상반신 및 하반신 체형특성의 차이점을 파악하고자 하였다. 연구대상은 60세 이상 서울 및 서울 근교에 거주하는 노년 여성 318명-복부비만 251명, 일반인 67명-이며 직접측정을 실시하였다. 복부비만의 기준은 허리엉덩이둘레비(WHR)가 0.85 이상인 피험자로 하였다. 높이항목, 두께항목, 너비항목, 길이항목 및 몸무게로 구성된 총 33개 측정치 및 측정치를 토대로 한 계산치 및 지수치를 이용하여 기술통계분석, 상관분석, T검정을 실시함으로써 이들의 복부돌출요인에 따라 의복구성에 고려해야 할 체형특성을 파악하고, 이를 일반 노년 여성과 비교분석하였다. 연구결과 복부비만 노인은 일반 노인보다 높이항목과 어깨너비 등 어깨관련항목을 제외한 두께, 둘레, 길이 항목에서 유의한 차이를 보이며, 로러지수와 버벡지수, 체간부의 편평률에서도 유의차를 보여 전체적 인 비만도가 높으며 체간부 형태가 원통형을 나타낸다. 또한 복부비만 노년 여성의 경우 상관관계 분석결과 엉덩이둘레보다 배둘레나 엉덩이외포둘레가 패턴 설계에 필요한 주요 항목들과 더 높은 선형적 상관성을 보이므로 패턴의 기준항목 설정시 이를 고려하여 제작하여야 할 것이다.
The purpose of this study is to provide the basic data useful in designing apparel patterns for aged abdominal obese women. The body measurements of 318 women were taken at random, whose ages were over 60 and fields of action were colleges, sports centers, or business sites in Seoul and the neighboring districts. A total of 33 features in the upper body and lower body were used fer the anthropometric measurement and analysis using anthropometry. The collected measurement data were processed statistically using the SPSS 12.0 program for technical statistical analysis, t-test, frequency analysis, correlation analysis. The results of the study are as follows. 1. Subjects were classified into two groups as a result of analysis for measurement data. It was revealed that 251(about 79 percent) women of total subjects(n=318) have a characteristic of abdominal obese body type and elderly women of these group usually had big abdomen rather than hip. The criteria of abdominal obesity based on waist-hip ratio, WHR(=0.85). 2. Aged abdominal obese women have shown much larger size in most body measurements except items of some vertical length, such as bust ponit-bust point, font interscye, back interscye with circumference and depth of armscye, bust, waist, abdomen and hip while showing no difference in height, biacrominal breadth, hip width, neck shoulder point to breast point, crotch length. 3. Vervaeck index(=100.1) and Rohrer index(=1.7) indicated that the abdominal obese women were fat in overall body. And aspect ratio of waist(=0.86), abdomen(=0.92) and hip(=0.75) also appeared high that the shape of cross sections in those regions was similar to a figure of circle 4. In view of the correlation coefficient between hip circumference and the rest measurement items, and between hip circumference inclusively of the abdomen protrusion and the rest measurement items, there were found some differences for each group. In case of Group (abdominal obese group), the former is smaller than the other. 5. In case of Abdominal obese women, hip circumference inclusively of the abdomen protrusion is more mutually related to the rest items related to make apparel pattern as waist circumference, depth of armscye and so on than what hip circumference is. This result indicated which must be considered hip circumference inclusively of the abdomen protrusion to make apparel patterns for abdominal obese women unlike women of common body types.