전시 공간 디자인이 관람객 만족도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 - Seoul Living Design Fair 2005를 중심으로 -

A Study on the Influential factors on Visitors' Satisfaction Level in Exhibition Space - Focused on the Seoul Living Design Fair 2005 -

  • 최진화 (동서대학교 디자인&IT 대학원) ;
  • 윤지영 (동서대학교 디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.10.31


This study started from the premise that the satisfaction of visitors in large-scaled design-related fair has co-relation with the environmental and contextual factors such as contents, lighting, the number and location of rest area, crowdedness, ventilation and circulation. The research was made in Seoul Living Design Fair 2005. 102 samples from 132 who answered to the questionnaire with likert-scaled and open questions were selected for the data, which were statistically analyzed through SPSS 12.0 program to explore the co-relation between the environmental factors and the satisfaction level of visitors. The findings showed that overall satisfaction level was in the middle of the scale, which means satisfied nor unsatisfied. The visitors showed relatively high satisfaction in the two factors-the contents of the fair and lighting system compared to the other factors such as the number and location of rest area, sign system, ventilation crowdedness and circulation. Even though the visitors had difficulties in circulation and showed various types in circulation, it did not seem to have a significant influence on the overall satisfaction level because it might be offset by the contents of the fair. Also, the visitors showed similar satisfaction level regardless of the type of circulation. It can be concluded that the main factors mentioned above should be considered to achieve higher satisfaction level and provide better environment in the large-scaled fair.



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