조선시대 양반계층의 주택과 가구의 조형적 연계성에 대한 비교연구

A Comparative Study on the Formative Relation of Yangban's Residential Architecture and Furniture in the Chosun Dynasty

  • 김진옥 (경성대학교 공예디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.10.31


Our residential architecture and furniture have developed their unique formative characteristics under the influence of the natural environment as well as under socio-cultural influence. In order to understand such characteristics of our residential architecture and furniture, we need to clarify similarities and differences through comparative study from various perspectives. The present study purposed to examine the effects of mutual relations among Yangban's residential architecture and their furniture in the Chosun Dynasty on their formative characteristics, to identify the formative characteristics of shapes, materials, colors, patterns and decorations found in the residential architecture and their furniture, and to make a comparative analysis of the formative characteristics of the residential buildings and their furniture. This research will provide a ground for reinterpreting our culture and help to apply Korean culture identity to today's interior and furniture design.



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