콤팩션 그라우팅에 의한 흙댐의 누수복원 공사효과 분석

The Effect of Remedial Works to Control the Leakage Problem in Earth Fill Dam by Compaction Grouting

  • 발행 : 2006.11.30


국내의 흙댐 중에서 댐코아에 함몰 및 누수가 발생한 사례가 있었는데 콤팩션그라우팅에 의하여 댐코아의 손상부위를 복원하였다. 본 연구에서는 콤팩션그라우팅에 의한 복원공사전 공사중 및 공사후에 실내 및 현장시험을 통하여 콤팩션그라우팅 효과를 평가하였다. 콤팩션그라우팅공사와 더불어 정밀한 현장조사 및 지구물리탐사를 진행하였다. 콤팩션그라우팅공사는 2000년 6월 16일부터 8월 24일까지 수행되었다. 콤팩션그라우팅공사에 의한 댐복원후에 댐코아의 누수가 감소되었다. 콤팩션그라우팅공사가 손상된 댐을 복원하는데 효과가 큰 것으로 평가되었다. 콤팩션그라우팅공법의 적용에 의하여 댐코아의 느슨하고 공간이 있는 부분을 채우게 되었고 그라우팅 처리전에 비하여 누수량이 약 96% 정도 격감되었다.

The sinkhole and leakage in dam core were detected at one of earth fill dams in Korea. The damage areas in the core of the dam were repaired by compaction grouting method. This study is to evaluate compaction grouting activity by in-situ and laboratory experiments before, during and after the remedial work. The intensive site investigation and geophysical survey were conducted during and after the compaction grouting work. The compaction grouting work was carried out for the damaged dam core between June 16 and August 24, 2000. The leakage reduction generally occurred in the core of the dam after the remedial work. The use of compaction grouting was considered the proper countermeasures for repairing the damaged dam. It shows that the loose or voided zones have been properly filled and the leakage has been reduced by about 96% of that before the treatment of the remedial work performed at dam core by compaction grouting.



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