A Study on the Integration of Education for Sustainable Development into the School-Based Enterprises in Vocational High Schools

학교기업제도와 지속가능발전 교육의 연계방안 연구 - 실업계 고등학교를 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2005.07.07
  • Accepted : 2005.08.04
  • Published : 2005.08.31


Recently, a number of high school, college and university run the School-Based Enterprises(SBE). The purpose of this study is to integrate Education for Sustainable Development(ESD) into the SBE run by vocational high schools. To achieve this goal, this paper takes following research considerations. First of all, this study review the theories of SBE and ESD. Secondly, We extract the factors to analyze from the ESD point of view and integrate them into the SBE in vocational high schools. Thirdly, this study suggests the necessity and methods to integrate ESD into the SBE. ESD could serve important roles to promote the SBE by stimulating the sustainable development and improving human abilities in solving both the environment and development problems.



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