소 백혈병 바이러스 감염에 의한 소 림프종의 병리조직학적 분류

Histopathological classification of the bovine lymphoma caused by bovine leukemia virus in Korea

  • 심사 : 2005.08.22
  • 발행 : 2005.09.22


Several studies have been performed on the bovine leukemia since bovine leukemia virus (BLV) had been detected in 1982 in Korea. We have conducted histopathological study on the bovine lymphoma caused by BLV because only limited results were reported on the pathological characterization of lymphoma. Lymphoma tissues were obtained from cattle necropsied and slaughtered during a designated period. Lymphoma was classified histopathologically according to the National Cancer Institute Working Formulation. Leukotic tissues consisted of fairly uniform sheets of closely packed medium to large lymphocytes without any architectural arrangement in all 30 cases. Twenty five cases belong to diffuse large cell type, while three cases were diffuse mixed cell type, and two cases were immunoblastic large cell type among 30 cases. Follicular type lymphoma was not detected in this study. The mitotic index of tumor cells showed average 2.5 in the field of 400X. Nuclear cleavage was detected in 53% of cases. Multi-nucleated cells were detected among tumor cells in 30% of lymphoma cases. In conclusion, the most common morphologic cell type of bovine lymphoma in Korea was a diffuse large cell type with multinucleated cells and nuclear cleavages.



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