A Study on Application of Dyeing Industrial Heat Source Waste Aggregate as Concrete Aggregate

콘크리트용 굵은 골재로서 염색공단 열원 폐재의 적용성에 관한 연구

  • 윤장길 (동명정보대학교 건축대학원) ;
  • 김효열 (동명정보대학교 건축공학과) ;
  • 임남기 (동명정보대학교 건축대학)
  • Published : 2005.03.01


This study is as a part of the new disposal and recycling plans of heat-resource waste of Daegu dyeing industrial center we tried to examine applicable possibility of crushed thing(waste aggregate) as aggregates for mortar and concrete. To examine applicable possibility of waste aggregate as a lightweight-aggregate for concrete and mortar, we carried this study by mainly property examination of concrete according to replacement ratio of waste aggregate. We carried slump, unit weight, compressive strength and bending strength test according to replacement ratio of waste aggregate. As the result of that, if we use waste aggregate, lightweight of concrete and mortar will be possible. Specially it shows a strength improvement effect of cement hardening according to using this so it is judged that applicable possibility as aggregate for concrete and mortar is very excellent.



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