- 컴퓨터 연관활동이 유아의 문해 발달에 미치는 영향 강명희
- 동화 만들기 활동이 만 5세 유아의 창의성 발달에 미치는 영향 고희남
- 유치원 교육과정 교육인적자원부
- 열린유아교육연구 v.8 no.1 개방적.폐쇠적 소프트웨어 경험이 유아의 창의성 및 수.공간능력에 미치는 영향 김경수;이소은
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- 동화만들기 활동경험이 유아의 언어표현력 및 창의성에 미치는 영향 김은미
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- 유아 컴퓨터 교육에 관한 학위 논문의 경향분석 : 1988~2002년 김정미
- 유아용 CD-ROM 타이틀의 Scaffolding 수준이 유아의 어휘. 읽기 능력과 수세기 능력에 미치는 효과 김인화
- 그림이야기책 만들기 활동이 유아의 창의성에 미치는 효과 김호
- 동화시뮬레이션 활동이 유아의 언어 이해력과 이야기구성능력에 미치는 영향 도혜정
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- 유아를 위한 멀티미디어 교육의 이론과 실제 이경우;김명순;류지후;박정선;이현옥;조부경;홍혜경;황보영란
- 유아 언어교육 이경화
- 동화 만들기 활동경험이 유아의 이야기 자유회상 및 이해도에 미치는 효과 이경희
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- 그림이야기책과 컴퓨터 그림이야기책이 유아의 이야기 인식능력과 선호도에 미치는 영향 이옥남
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- 유아용 종합 창의성 검사 전경원
- 유아 종합 창의성 검사 요강 전경원
- 열린유아교육 v.6 no.2 개방형 소프트웨어 경험이 유아의 창의력에 미치는 영향 정경숙;이소은
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- The child and the machine : How computers put our children's education at risk Armstrong, A.;Casement, C.
- Child Education v.67 no.10 Overlaid with meaning Barnett, B.;Rowley, M.
- Two preschoolers sharing one computer;Young Children and Microcomputers Borgh, K.;Dickson, W.P.;Cambell, P.(ed.);Fein, G.(ed.)
- The creativity handbook: A visual arts guide for parents and teachers Boriss-Krimsky, C.
- Computers & Young Children Bowmon, B.T.
- Young Children v.39 no.3 The microcomputer in kindergarten Burg, K.
- Computer in early 7 primary education Clements, D.H.
- Electronic media and early childhood education;Handbook of research on the education of young children Clements, D.H.;Nastasi, B.K.;Spodek, B.(ed.)
- Young Children v.48 no.2 Young children and computers: Crossroad and directions from research Clements, D.H.;Nastasi, B.K.;Swaminathan, S.
- Childhood Educa?tion v.64 The story time exchange : was to enhance it Cliatt, M.J.;Shaw, J.M.
- Fool's Gold: A critical look at computers in childhood. Report of Alliance for childhood Cordes, C.;Miller, E.
- Technology and early literacy: A recipe for success Feldman, Dara
- Journal of Educational Computing Research v.5 no.2 A study of teaching reading skills to the young child using microcomputers assisted instruction Gore, D.A.;Morrison, G.N.;Mass, M.L.;Anderson, E.H.
- Young Children v.55 no.1 Early childhood classrooms in the 21st century: Using computers to maximize learning Haugland, S.W.
- Journal of Educational Computer Research v.3 no.3 School relevant effects of educational uses of microcomputers in kindergarten classrooms and homes Hess, R.;MeGravey, L.
- Young Children & Computers Hohmann, C.
- Early Childhood Development and Care v.23 Computers? I love them! : Young children's concepts and attitudes about computers Hyson, M.;Morris, S.
- Learning and Leading with Technology v.25 no.6 Why use a computer for writing Jankowski, Leo
- Gifted Education International The effectiveness of creative thinking program for gifted and average preschoolers Jeon, K.W.
- Computers in the schools v.11 no.2 The effect of a word processor on the written composition of second grade pupils Jones, I.
- Issues on computers and early childhood education;Continuing Issues in Early Childhood education Kaden, M.;Seefelt, C.(ed.)
- Information Technology in childhood Education. Annual Let's play puters : Language use at the computer center Kelly, K.L.;Schorger, J.R.
- Basic processes in reading: Perception and comprehension LaBerge, D.
- Young Children v.51 no.6 NAEYC position statement; Technology and young children- ages three and through eight NAEYC
- Educational Studies v.11 The use of computer graphics to facilitate story telling in young children Riding, R.J.;Tite, H.C.
- Journal of Computing in Childhood Education v.4 no.1 A descriptive study comparing computer-based word processing and handwriting on attitudes and performance of third and forth grade students ?involved in a program based on process approach to writing Seawel, L.;Smaldino, S.;Steele, J.;Lewis, J.
- Computers in the educational lives of children: Developmental Issues;Computers in early childhood education : Issues and practices Silvern, B.;McCary, J.C.;Hoot, J.L.(ed.)
- Preschool children. Masters of change;Teaching thinking : An agenda for the twenty-first century Tsantis, L.A.;Keefe, D.D.;Collins, C.(ed.);Mangieri, J.N.(ed.)(et al.)
- Enhancing teaching and Learning in Higher Education With a total Multimedia Approach(ERIC No. 400-799) Wells, F. Stuart;Kick, Russell C.