Linear Structural Relationships in Children's School Maladjustment and Related Variables

아동의 학교부적응에 영향을 미치는 관련 변인의 구조분석

  • Received : 2005.04.30
  • Accepted : 2005.07.05
  • Published : 2005.08.31


Causal relationships between school maladjustment and related variables were examined in 371 5th grade elementary school students. School maladjustment was ascertained by revised the School Adjustment Test(Lim, 1993; Song, 1999). After analysis of differences in internal locus of control, academic stress, and academic achievement between the school maladjusted and adjusted groups, the study built a structural equation model of school maladjustment-related variables goodness of fit was tested with LISREL 8 for Windows. Significant differences were found in internal locus of control, academic stress, and academic achievement by level of school maladjustment. Internal locus of control, academic stress, and academic achievement both directly and/or indirectly influenced school maladjustment. These variables explained 64% of the variances in school maladjustment.



  1. 자기효능감 및 내외통제소재와 학교생활적응과의 관계 권일현
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