농약사용에서의 잔류기준 설정과 GAP

Establishing residue limits and GAP in the use of pesticides

  • 이서래 (한국과학기술한림원 농수산학부)
  • Lee, Su-Rae (Division of Agricultural and Fishery Sciences, Korean Academy of Science & Technology)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.30


국가차원에서 식품안전 프로그램은 소비자보호와 식인성질환의 예방을 기본요소로 하고 있으며 정부, 식품산업, 소비자가 책임질 일이다. 여기에서는 WHO에서 제안하고 있는 식품안전 프로그램의 원칙을 소개한 다음 식품생산에 사용되는 의도적 첨가물의 잔류기준 설정에서 GAP의 중요성, 국제기구와 국내에서 잔류농약의 기준설정에 활용되고 있는 절차와 차이점을 지적하였다. 결론적으로 잔류농약에 대한 국내기준을 Codex 기준과 조화시키는데 필요한 사항들을 건의하였다.

Consumer protection and prevention of foodborne diseases are essential elements of food safety program for every country The food safety program proposed by WHO was introduced and the importance of GAP in establishing residue limits of intentional additives in food production was emphasized. The procedures and differences in establishing maximum residue limits of pesticides on food crops by Codex Alimentarius Commission and Korea were explained. Finally, considerations in harmonization of Korean standards with Codex MRLs were suggested.



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  2. FAO (2002) Manual on the Submission and Evaluation of Pesticide Residue Data for the Estimation of Maximum Residue Levels in Food and Feed, FAO, Rome, Italy
  3. USDA, USDHHS, USEPA (1997) Food Safety from Farm to Table - A Natioanl Food Safety Initiative, A Report to the President, Washington DC, USA
  4. WHO (1989a) The Evaluation of Programmes to Ensure Food Safety: Guiding Principles. WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
  5. WHO (1989b) Guidelines for Predicting Dietary Intake of Pesticide Residues. GEMS/Food WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
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