조부모-손자녀가족 아동의 학교생활적응

School Adjustment of Children Raised by Grandparents

  • 옥경희 (광주대학교 사회복지학부)
  • 발행 : 2005.08.01


Although increasing number of children are being raised by grandparents these days, little research exists on the development of the children in this arrangement. This study aimed at examining school adjustment of the children raised by grandparents, by comparing academic achievement and general classroom and school behaviors of the children in grandparent families with those of their peers from other types of families such as two-parents, single parent, kinship and institution care, and single parent with grandparent(s). Three hundred and twenty four 2nd graders md two hundred ninety eight 5th graders were surveyed for this study. It was found that children raised solely by grandparents did quite well, relative to children in traditional families where two parents were present. Children from single-parent families were significantly worse in school achievement and study habits than children in traditional nuclear families. Girls obtained higher scores on school achievement and study habits whereas they showed lower scores on problem behaviors than boys. There was also an interaction effect between family structure and gender of child in school achievement.



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