Study about Correlation between BMI, Diet-situation and Psycological Factors: Self-esteem, Depression, Restraint Eating, Disinhibition, and Hunger, using Internet Survey

인터넷 설문을 통하여 조사한 여성의 비만도와 자존감, 섭식요인, 우울감의 상관관계와 다이어트진행에 따른 섭식요인의 변화

  • Published : 2005.12.20


Objectives : This study examined the association between body mass index(BMI) and psychological factors; self-esteem, depression, restraint eating, disinhibition, and hunger. The difference of TFEQ(restraint eating, disinhibition and hunger) was analyzed in variety of current diet situations. Methods : The research was based on a sample of people who visited our website and submit the result of self test(self-esteem n=3183; TFEQ n=5167; BDI n=2457). Results : Self-esteem and BDI was slightly correlated with BMI. There is negative correlation between restraint eating and BMI and positive correlations were observed between hunger and BMI, and disinhibition and BMI. We studied diet situation and eating habits. We divided the sample into 4 groups in accordance with self-submitted result: non-diet group(n=2806), diet-failed group within 3 months group(n=371), maintaining group after successful-diet(n=233), on-going diet group(n=1757) As to restraint eating, non-diet group showed the lowest score in restraint eating and maintaining group after successful-diet showed the highest. The score in disinhibition and hunger was significantly lower in maintaining group after successful-diet group than one in diet-failed group. Conclusion : These results suggest that it would be essential to treat these psychological factors such as depression and self-esteem in weight loss program. Considering the result in diet-situation and TFEQ, we insist that restraint-eating and disinhibition should be controlled. If these psychological factors were not treated in place, even the successful diet might turn out to be a worse situation like binge-eating
