Level of service(LOS) is a quantify measure describing operational conditions within a traffic stream, generally, in terms of such service measures as speed, travel time, freedom to measures, traffic interruptions, comfort and convenience. The LOS is leveled by highway facilities according to measure of effectiveness(MOE) and then used to evaluate performance capacity. The current evaluation of a urban road is performed by only a aspect of traffic operation without any concepts of safety. Therefore, this paper presents a method for evaluation of risk order for urban road with new MOE, user cost analysis, considering both smooth traffic operation(congestion) and traffic safety(accident). The user coat is included traffic accident cast by traffic safety and traffic congestion cost by traffic operation. First of all, a number of traffic accident and accident rate by highway geometric is inferred from urban road traffic accident prediction model (Poul Greibe(2001)) Secondly, a user cost is inferred as traffic accident cast and traffic congestion cost is putting together. Thirdly, a method for evaluation of a urban road is inferred by user cost analysis. Fourthly a accident rate by segment predict with traffic accidents and data related to the accidents in $1996{\sim}1998$ on 11 urban road segments, Gwang-Ju, predicted accident rate. Traffic accident cost predict using predicted accident rate, and, traffic congestion cost predict using predicted average traffic speed(KHCM). Fifthly, a risk order are presented by predicted user cost at each segment in urban roads. Finally, it si compared and evaluated that LOS of 11 urban road segments, Gwang-Ju, by only a aspect of traffic operation without any concepts of safety and risk order by a method for evaluation of urban road in this paper.
현재 우리나라 간선도로의 서비스수준(LOS)은 차량의 평균통행속도를 기준으로 평가되어지고 있다. 이는 도로의 혼잡도 만을 기준으로 적용한 것으로 교통안전측면이 고려되지 않은 것이 현실이다. 합리적인 도로 설계와 운영을 위한 평가 지표라면 도로 이용자에게 영향을 미치는 제반 인자들을 보다 포괄적으로 포함할 수 있어야 한다. 교통안전과 소통측면을 총괄할 수 있는 변수로 사용자비용 개념을 적용하여 간선도로 평가방법을 모색하고자 한다. 사용자 비용을 효과척도로 하는 간선도로 평가도 가능하다는 것을 본 연구를 통해 알 수 있었다. 또한, 본 연구의 사용자 비용에 의해 평가된 간선도로 서비스 수준과 도로용량편람의 평균통행속도에 의해 평가된 간선도로 서비스 수준을 비교 분석하여 종합적인 서비스 수준 분석방법 여부를 가릴 수 있을 것이다. 이로서, 안전과 소통 측면을 모두 고려한 간선도로 평가가 가능함을 알 수 있었다.