Effect of Fragrance Sensibility Factors on Attitude toward and Buying Intention of Perfume Products - Focusing on Age and Purchase Level Group Comparisons -

향기 감성 요인에 향수 제품의 태도와 구매 의도에 미치는 영향 -연령과 구매 수준 집단별 비교를 중심으로-

  • Yoh Eunah (Major of Fashion Marketing, Keimyung University)
  • Published : 2005.06.01


The purpose of this study was to identify important factors influencing fragrance sensibility responses as well as to explore fragrance sensibility factors affecting attitude toward and buying intention of perfume products. For data collection, smelling experiments were conducted with seven groups of 34 female consumers who are aged from the 20's to 40's. Data were analyzed by ANOVA, t-test, factor analysis, and linear regression analysis. In results, five factors (pleasant, romantic, stimulating, modem, familiar factors) were generated from the factor analysis of 24 fragrance sensibility factors. These fragrance sensibility factors significantly affected both attitude toward and buying intention of perfume products. Pleasant, romantic and familiar factors were considered as important factors affecting attitude and buying intention while the stimulating factor affected only buying intention. Fragrance sensibility factors influencing attitude and buying intention of perfume products differed in terms of age and purchase level of consumers.



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