설악산 국립공원의 산양 보호구역 설정기법에 관한 연구: 서식지 적합성 모형, 서식지 수용능력, 최소 존속 개체군 이론을 이용하여

Establishing a Korean Goral (Nemorhaedus caudatus raddeanus Heude) Reserve in Soraksan National Park, Korea: Based on Habitat Suitability Model, Habitat Capability Model, and the Concept of Minimum Viable Population

  • 발행 : 2005.02.01


Korean goral (Nemorhaedus caudatus raddeanus) is an endangered species in Korea, and the rugged terrain of the Sorksan National Park $(373km^2)$ is a critical habitat for the species. Since the goral population is threatened by habitat fragmentation, it is essential to establish a reserve for the isolated goral population. The objective of this study was to propose a reserve for Korean goral in the national Park We employed habitat suitability model, habitat capability model, and the concept of minimum viable population. The results of the study were as follows. First, the carrying capacity and optimal density of gorals in the national park were projected to be 449 gorals, and 251 gorals, respectively Second, since only one patch was projected to satisfy the criteria of minimum viable population (50 individuals/during 50 years), the long term extinction possibility of gorals in the site would be very high. Finally, the patch that satisfy the minimum viable population of goral was proposed as the core zone of the goral reserve and adjacent patches were included as buffer zones.



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