보전가치평가를 위한 경관생태학적 지표의 활용 및 적용

Application of Landscape Ecology Indicators for Conservation Value Assessment

  • 발행 : 2005.02.01


The purpose of this paper is to assess conservation value of forests and cultivated areas from the landscape ecological point of view. The main focus of landscape ecology estimates the reciprocal relationships between spatial patterns and ecological processes. This paper sets the criteria for conservation value and classify the conservation value based on the criteria. Forests and cultivated areas in Seo-Gu, Incheon Metropolitan City was selected as the case study area. In this research, factors such as patch size and connectivity have been selected in order to consider the landscape ecological aspect, gradient for the environmental physics aspect and to consider the environment-ecological aspect, grade of environmental-oriented land suitability analysis Map developed by the ROK Ministry of Environment has been utilized. GIS methodologies have been adopted to calculate the relationships among the above variables. Through literature review, the following evaluation criteria have been adopted: (1) based on island biogeography and metapopulation dynamics theory, patch size criteria are set 2ha and 10ha; (2) connectivity was set the degree of connection with surrounding grids; and (3) gradient of 20 degrees. Conclusively, this paper suggests that local conditions, landscape ecology and physical environment aspects should be considered to develop an estimation framework of the conservation value.



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