20대 여성 상의의 착용 색채 변화에 대한 비교 분석 -1998년과 2004년을 대상으로-

A Study on Change of Color Preference of Young Women's Wear - Comparison between 1998 and 2004-

  • 조정미 (가톨릭대학교 생활과학부 의류학전공)
  • Cho Jung-Mee (Clothing & Textiles Major, School of Human Ecology, Catholic University of Korea)
  • 발행 : 2005.05.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the change of color preference of young women living in Seoul, to provide materials which is useful for setting up the color plan for a better costume, and to suggest new information in the apparel study. This study was done on the basis of color preference only by regional characteristics and the range of this study restricted on young women' clothes. The subjects were 1,100 in 1998, 1,393 young women in 2004. They were photographed in the street. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage and $\chi^2-test$. The results of this study was as follows; The preference of chromatic color and achromatic color, hue and tone, pattern of textiles are different mainly by regional characteristics. 1) In 1998, young women prefered achromatic colors to chromatic colors. and the most preferred achromatic color was black, especially women of YOUNGDUOPO area prefer black. But, in 2004, young women preferred chromatic colors to achromatic colors and the most preferred achromatic color was white in the all areas. 2) Analysis of hue shows that in 1998, blue is most preferred color in the all areas by young women. But, in 2004, the most preferred color was different depending on the areas 3) Analysis of tone shows that in 1998, vivid, pale, dark tones are commonly preferred by young women. However, APGUJUNG area have specially inclination, they prefer vivid, pale and light tone. In 2004 year, pale, vivid and bright tones are most preferred tones in the all areas. 4) Analysis of pattern of textiles shows that, pattern textiles were preferred by young women of APGUJUNGDONG area in 1998 and YOUNGDUOPO area in 2004. The most preferred. pattern for young women in all area was a stripe pattern.



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