从中国大陆当代古籍整理的现状 - 看其类别, 方式方法及走向 -

The present state of process in the arrangements of historic classical books in China: According to classification into various types, methods, styles, and directions

  • 발행 : 2004.12.30


The aim on this paper is to explain the present state and circumstance in the course of arranging historic classical books in China. In order to approach its purpose, it should make it clear to define the word of "The present"(當代). Furthermore, we need to take a deep notice on the arrangements itself of historic classical books, its influences and contributions, reflecting this process carefully with those historical, cultual and social points of view due to the meaning of "The present" in China. Starting from this considerate view, first of all, I would like to determine the accurate time of "The present" to be the period of time from October, 1949 to December, 2003. It can be described very suitably well as "bamboo sprouts grow fast after a rainfall"(雨後春荀). This tremendous works in the arrangements of Classics have gone through sweets and bitters of times during 50 and several years. However, this work in process has overcome so much troubles and exclude obstacles in doing so, gradually begun to bear tasteful fruit of many publications, about 10,000 works so far. Although it has gone far with very little amount of works in comparison with the remains that would be put in order in the incoming future, it succeed effectively to the spirit and soul in Chinese culture and people. Illuminating the development in its historical steps and analyzing elaborately flows in cultural and ideal elements, it is known that this work of arrangements not only give a very firm basis for excellent Chinese cultural tradition, but also extend high level of idea and thoughts in their thoughts so that build up the spirit in socialism on the solid foundation. This paper will give a explanation and analysis on this works and its contributions. At the same time, it examine and give a good, careful, and close look on the arrangement of historic classical books in China by various means of classifying into various types and style, searching for many methods, and showing indication and directions that might be right in "the present".
