A Study on the Nudism Expressed in the 2000's Fashion

2000년대(年代) 패션에 나타난 누디즘 현상(現狀) 연구(硏究)

  • 박태용 (세종대학교대학원 패션디자인학과)
  • Published : 2004.12.30


The purposes of this study are firstly to considered nudism of the sociocultural context, secondly to consider the cultural meaning of the nudism fashion expressed in the 2000's and thirdly to clarify formative characteristics of nudism fashion style in the 2000's. For these purposes, documentary studies about nudism in social science and psychology were analyzed and then objective studies with fashion magazine after the 2000 and clothes released at various collections were performed for studies about nudism fashion in the 2000's. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Nudism of the sociocultural context was divided into Naturalism, Counteracting culture, Eroticism and Narcissism. 2. Fashion, influenced by nudism, tended to express the beauty which emphasizes the functional aspects of nude and includes the decorative characters. 3. Nudism in the 2000’s fashion was summarized as Eroticism nudism fashion, Primitivism nudism fashion and Futurism nudism fashion.



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