추파용 호밀 품종의 파종기에 따른 Feekes scale에 의한 생장발달 분석

Analysis of Growth and Development in Rye Cultivars Based on the Feekes Scale in Rotation to Sowing Dates

  • Kim, Su-Gon (National Jeju Agricultural Experiment Station, RDA) ;
  • Kim, Jong-Duk (National Jeju Agricultural Experiment Station, RDA) ;
  • Kwon, Chan-Ho (National Jeju Agricultural Experiment Station, RDA) ;
  • Park, Hyung-Soo (National Jeju Agricultural Experiment Station, RDA) ;
  • Ko, Han-Jong (Korea National Open University) ;
  • Ha, Jong-Kyu (College of Agric., & Life Sci., Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim, Dong-Am (College of Agric., & Life Sci., Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


본 연구는 파종기가 다른 추파호밀의 Feekes scale에 의한 생장발달을 분석하기 위하여 수행하였다. 시험배치는 10처리 3반복의 분할구배치로 주구에는 9월 30일과 10월 15일의 파종시기를, 세구로는 'Kodiak', 'Koolgrager', 'Danko', 'Homil22', 'Olhomil' 품종을 두었다. 초장은 조기파종이 만기파종보다 높았으며, 공시품종간에는 조생품종이 가장 높았다. 분얼경수는 조기파종시에 48.0개로 만기파종시의 24.3개보다 높았으며, 공시품종간에는 만생품종이 다른 품종보다 높게 나타났다. 생장발달 분석에 있어서 조기파종이 만기파종보다 3일 빨랐다. 조기파종시에는 조생품종인 'Olhomil'이 만생품종인 'Danko' 보다 숙기가 빨랐으며, 만기파종시에도 조생품종인 'Olhomil' 및 'Koolgrager'가 빠른 숙기를 보여주었다. 그러므로 시험에서 얻은 결론은 추파용 호밀의 생장과 발달단계를 Feekes scale로 비교한 결과 'Olhomil' 및 'Koolgrazer'는 조생종,'Homil22'는 중생종 그리고 'Kodiak' 및 'Danko'는 만생종으로 분류가 가능했다.

This experiment was carried out to assess the growth and development of five rye(Secale cereale L.) cultivars based on the Feekes scale in relation to sowing date at the Experimental Livestock Farm, Seoul National University(SNU), Suwon from 30 September 2001 to 4 May 2002. The experiment was conducted in split plot design with three replications. The main plots consisted of two sowing date such as early(30 September) and late(15 October). The subplots consisted of rye cultivars of five different maturity groups such as 'Kodiak', 'Koolgrazer', 'Danko', 'Homil22' and 'Olhomil'. The plant height of early sowing rye cultivars was higher than that of late one. Among the rye cultivars tested, plant heights of early maturing cultivars were higher than those of the other cultivars. The tiller number at early sowing(48.0) was higher than that of late(24.3), however, late maturing cultivars were higher than those of the other cultivars among the rye cultivars tested. Growth and development in the early sowing were generally three days earlier than those of late sowing cultivars. Growth and development in 'Olhomil' rye cultivars was earlier than 'Danko' rye cultivars when sown in early, but 'Olhomil' and 'Koolgrazer' rye cultivars showed an early maturity than 'Danko' rye when sown in late. Therefore, the developmental stages of winter rye cultivars could be categorised the following maturity; 'Olhomil' and 'Koolgrazer' are early in maturity, 'Homil22' is medium, and 'Kodiak' and 'Danko' are late in maturity.



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