Case Study를 통한 Office 빌딩의 친환경적 리모델링 연구

A Study on Environmentally Friendly Remodeling of Office Building by the Case Study

  • 발행 : 2004.06.30


The importance of Building Remodeling as a means to create an architectural environment capable of responding to the social, economic changes has increased more than ever. And it has become necessary to consider Environmental performance in Building remodeling. Consideration of converting buildings into Environment-Friendly Remodeling of Office Buildings makes more and more increased in our construction compatibility. This Study is intended to increase the designer' recognition of Environmental Performance Improvement in the feasibility analysis and schematic design of Office Building Remodeling and to provide Planning Data and Guidance. In this context, this study is focused on the "planning Guidance for Environmental Friendly Remodeling". Through this study, the flow of Environmental Design and Construction is elevated reaching the level in developed country.



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