학교시설의 에코 디자인 평가방법에 관한 연구

A Study on the Assessment Method for Eco Design of School Facilities

  • 박동소 (한서대학교 건축공학과) ;
  • 한종구 (청운대학교 건축공학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.10


In recent years, the objective information for the environmental effect of architecture will be furnished to the designer and inhabitant in order to minimize an excessive energy consumption and environmental loads by buildings. In addition, an environmental friendly architectural certification program for a residence, office, and school facilities have been operated to spread and supply environmental friendly architecture. Most of the environmental friendly architectural certification programs proposed in the country are focused on the aspect of the physical environments of architecture in its certification ranges. In the case of a foreign country, however, the certification ranges of an environmental friendly architectural certification program for the school facilities among the programs will be extended not only to the standards for architectural design, environmental aspect, and maintaining and management basis by considering the characteristics of educational effects for students but also to the curriculum, policy of environment, and roles of local community facilities by reflecting a social aspect. Therefore, this study proposes a design and evaluation method by considering an ecological element that will satisfy the requirement for educational well-being that includes not only the requirement for school facilities according to the development of a new curriculum like a space for teaching and learning but also the improvement of the quality of educational environments and the objective of an ecological school.



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