The Analysis of Assessment Factors for Preliminary Feasibility Study of Dam Project in Korea

국책사업 예비타당성조사 평가항목별 중요도 분석 - 댐 개발사업을 중심으로 -

  • Koo, Jakon (Department of Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University) ;
  • Lee, Muchoon (Department of Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University)
  • Received : 2004.11.22
  • Accepted : 2004.12.03
  • Published : 2004.12.30


Among large developmental projects, those of the government and public institutions with the total budget of more than 50billion wons can be executed only when the feasibility of the project has been testified through the procedure of preliminary feasibility study. Multi-purpose dams are public structures that can supply water, produce electricity, and control flood, they belong to large national projects that require legal evaluation procedures such as preliminary feasibility study and environmental impact assessment(EIA). The index that should be considered to be important in dam plan is the migration of residents in submerged district. The importance in the preliminary feasibility study is 4.93 points(98.6 in the scale of 100 at maximum). Among the 12 assessment elements of the policy and economy in the preliminary feasibility study, the element of environment assessment is turned out to be 4.68 points in the assessment importance (93.5 in the scale of 100 at maximum), which is the second in the total ranking and the first in the field of policy, indicating that the element is very important in dam construction planning.



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