Prediction of Contrast and Lighting Energy Saivings in a Small Office Space according to Daylight Conditions

소규모 사무실공간에서 주광조건에 따른 대비효과 및 조명에너지 절약예측

  • Kim, Soo-Young (Taubman College of Architecture&Urban Planning, The University of Michigan)
  • 김수영 (미시건 대학교 건축 및 도시계획 대학)
  • Published : 2004.12.30


Illuminance and luminous levels in a small office space due to daylight were calculated to analyze the impact of daylight on contrast and lighting energy savings. Computer simulations were performed for four blind conditions under a clear sky condition. The blind conditions significantly impacted the illuminance an4 luminance level. Visual performance scores were calculated according to the transfer function that uses absolute contrast between target and background surface. The blind condition that had 45 tilted angle toward ground provided good contrast and performance scores. Using a control algorithm of an automated daylight dimming control system lighting energy sayings were predicted. For all blind conditions minimum lighting energy was consumed.



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