복사유체의 복사열전달 수치 적분에 관한 연구

Investigation on Numerical Integration for Radiation Heat Transfer in Radiating Fluid

  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


Interaction between fluid flow and thermal radiation has received considerable attention due to its numerous applications in engineering field. In this case the thermofluid properties of radiating fluid vary with the variation of temperature field caused by absorption and emission of radiant heat. To analyze the radiation heat transfer in radiating fluid, the simultaneous solution of the radiative transfer equation (RTE) and the fluid dynamics equations is required. This means that the numerical procedure used for the RTE must be computationally efficient to permit its inclusion in the other submodels, and must be compatible with the other transport equations. The finite volume method (FVM) and the discrete ordinates method (DOM) are usually employed to simulate radiation problems in generalized coordinates. These two representative methods are examined and compared, especially in view of the numerical integration of the radiation intensity over solid angle. The FVM shows better accuracy than the DOM owing to less constraints of the selection of control angle.



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