마이크로채널 내부의 저속 유동장 수치해석

Numerical Analysis of Low-Speed Flows in Micro-Channels

  • 정찬홍 (대구대학교 화학공학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


Low-speed gas flows in micro-channels are investigated using a kinetic theory analysis. The Boltzmann equation simplified by a collision model is solved by means of a finite difference approximation with the discrete ordinate method. Calculations are made for flows in simple micro-channels and a micro-fluidic system consisting of two micro-channels in series. The results are compared well with those from the DSMC method and an analytical solutions to the Wavier-Stokes equations. It is shown that the present method is a useful tool for the modeling of low-speed flows in micro-channels.



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