청소년의 환경교육경험과 또래집단이 환경친화적 소비행동에 미치는 영향

The Influences of Adolescent′s Environmental Education Experience and Peer Group on Pro-environmental Consumption Behavior

  • 장윤옥 (경북대학교 사범대학 가정교육과) ;
  • 박수경 (상주여자상업고등학교)
  • 발행 : 2004.11.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of adolescent's environmental education experience and peer group on pro-environmental consumption behavior The survey study administered 610 questionnaires to general high school students in Daegu. The main findings of this study were as follows. First, adolescent's pro-environmental purchase behavior was positively correlated to the degree of participation in environment-related events in school, the mother's pro-environmental purchase, use and disposal behavior and environment education experience in society, while the peer group's pro-environmental purchase was positively correlated to use and disposal behavior Also adolescent's pro-environmental use behavior was positively correlated to the mother's pro-environmental purchase, use and disposal behavior, the peer group's pro-environmental purchase, and use and disposal behavior. Adolescent's pro-environmental disposal behavior was positively correlated to the degree of participation in environment-related events in school, the mother's pro-environmental purchase, use and disposal behavior, environment education experience in society, the peer group's pro-environmental purchase, and use and disposal behavior. Second, adolescent's pro-environmental purchase behavior was influenced to the greatest extent by the peer group's pro-environmental purchase behavior, followed by the mother's pro-environmental purchase behavior and use behavior, and to a lesser extent, tv environment education experience in society. Also adolescent's pro-environmental use behavior was influenced to the greatest extent tv the mother's pro-environmental use behavior, followed by the peer group's one, and to a lesser extent, by the mother's pro-environmental disposal behavior. Adolescent's pro-environmental disposal behavior was influenced to the greatest extent by the mother's pro-environmental disposal behavior, followed tv the peer group's one, the mother's pro-environmental purchase behavior and, to a lesser extent, by the degree of participation in environment-related events in school.



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