청소년문화복지 지역격차연구 - 충청지역을 중심으로 -

A study on Regional Disparity of Youth Cultural Welfare

  • 김민정 (한남대학교 사회ㆍ아동복지학부 아동복지학전공) ;
  • 송주미 (영남대학교 유아교육과)
  • 발행 : 2004.11.01


The purpose of this study is to present foundational data to promote the cultural welfare status of youth. The actual condition of the youth's cultural welfare was investigated by investigating the degree of youth's cultural welfare satisfaction and needs by regional groups. A total of 1486 questionnaires were used for the final data analysis. The analysis revealed the following results. 1. Actual conditions of adolescents cultural welfare. 1) Among various cultural activities, adolescents find leisure and social activity, artistic, mass media and video-media activities very boring and one-sided, Instead, they have greater interest in computer- and Internet-related activities, such as getting and sharing information and communication. 2) While adolescents living in urban areas benefit from well developed social infra-structure, those living in rural areas seldom take advantage of it. 3) The obstacles against cultural welfare of the youth can be categorized as: 'lack of money,' 'lack of time,' and 'lack of cultural facilities. ' In urban areas 'lack of time' becomes an issue, whereas in rural areas 'lack of money' and 'lack of cultual facilities' are important. 2. Degree of cultural welfare satisfaction of the youths. Youths generally appear either 'unsatisfied' or 'neutral' concerning their satisfaction degree about leisure and social activity parts, and art and play-activity paris. On the other hand, they appear 'neutral' concerning their satisfaction degree about computer- and Internet-related information and communication parts, and mass- and video-media activity parts. In addition, urban youths show a higher degree of satisfaction than rural youths. 3. What the youths need To improve their culture welfare status, they need a lot of supplements for cultural activity in the form of cultural infra-structure. Regarding the cultural infra-structure, rural youths need more than urban youths.



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