Using Behavior of Corridor and Lounge at the Residence Floor in Skilled Nursing Facilities for the Elderly

노인전문요양시설 거주층의 복도 및 휴게홀 이용행태

  • 이민아 (군산대학교 생활과학부 주거 및 실내계획 전공) ;
  • 유옥순 (군산대학교 생활과학부 주거 및 실내계획 전공)
  • Published : 2004.11.01


The purpose of this study was to provide basic information about the facility planning to reduce elderly isolation and to improve their rehabilitation ability. Four re%archers observed the using behavior of the elderly residents in the corridor and lounge of 5 facilities. The results of the study were as follows. The using rate of the lounge wis higher than that of the corridor since most of the elderly were controlled by the staffs at the lounge. The facility could decrease the crowd of the lounge by arranging the sofa at the corridor-especially surrounding the atrium. The use rate in the lounge was very dependent on the time of the day, because its use was influenced mainly by daily schedule, and this resoled in it being largely inactive most of the time. A counter plan is needed to encourage natural interaction among the elderly. Individual or small group activities are required in addition to the regular programs. Since the furniture arrangements_(sofas and tables) at the corridor could induce elderly isolation and inactivity, various equipments should be arranged for the self-controlled activities. The indirect participation in the regular activities, which are usually conducted in the lounge, should also be considered in the corridor so that the elderly could observe them at any places.



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