Effective Acclimation System for in Vitro Regenerated Plant lets of Soybean

  • Kim, Young Jin (Honam Agricultural Research Institute, National Institute of Crop Science) ;
  • Park, Tae Il (Honam Agricultural Research Institute, National Institute of Crop Science) ;
  • Kim, Hyun Soon (Honam Agricultural Research Institute, National Institute of Crop Science) ;
  • Suh, Sug Kee (Honam Agricultural Research Institute, National Institute of Crop Science) ;
  • Kim, Hag Sin (Honam Agricultural Research Institute, National Institute of Crop Science) ;
  • Yun, Song Joong (Honam Agricultural Research Institute, National Institute of Crop Science)
  • Published : 2004.06.01


To establish an efficient acclimation system for regenerated plantlets of soybean, we used various media with hydroponic nutrient solutions before regenerants were transplanted into soil. The hydroponic nutrient solution was essential for the survival of the plantlets. The vermiculite with nutrient solution at pH 5.5 was found to be the best medium with 97-100% survival rate and better growth of regenerants plantlets. Regeneraed grew best in the following order of solutions: Yoshida solution, modified Yoshida solution, SoyI, Soy II, and MS medium. However, Soy I solution (EC 2.9 mS/cm), developed by the Honam Agricultural Research Institute proved to be the most effective for acclimation in terms of the time required for vigorous growth and economical use of chemicals.



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