수학 교과 재량활동시간의 효율적인 운영에 관한 연구

A study of the efficient application of Discretion activity in Mathematics curriculum

  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


본 논문에서는 제7차 교육과정의 특색중의 하나인 교과재량활동시간의 효율적 운영에 관하여 연구하였다. 교과재량 활동시간에 '함께가자! 우리' 프로그램의 운영을 통하여 다양한 수학에 대한 경험, 실생활을 소재로 한 수학문제, 수준별 협동학습 수학에 대한 흥미를 유발시켰으며, 1:1 맞춤학습에 의한 부담 없는 질문과 학습의 분위기 조성 등이 학생들의 자기주도적 학습력을 향상시키는데 많은 도움을 주었음을 알 수 있다.

For the efficient application of curriculum discretion activity, I developed the program, 'Let's go together', so that curriculum discretion activity can be applied in the classroom. The program consists of several experiences, which are <Man to man paired study>, <the learning materials for Mathematics in our lives>, <the cooperative study in the class> and <the variety experiences about Mathematics>. This study shows the following results: First, T-test about the students' learning attitude and interest in Mathematics, there was dramatic change in students' desire, interest and attitude for mathematics learning. Second, as the role of Baewomi & Dowomi in 'Man to man paired study', Baewomi & Dowomi provided students with confidence of mathematics learning. We were able to ensure this fact from students' essay after the class. Third, teachers found that the number of students who had positive attitude with Self-directed study increased. And students tried to solve mathematical problems by themselves and the time using self-directed learning experience was also increased. This study suggests that there needs more development for learning materials for mathematics in our lives.
