유치원 교실의 색채이미지 선호도에 관한 연구

A Study on the Color Image Preference of the classroom in kindergarten

  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


A kindergarten requires an approach to meet the nature and sense of children who is main users. This study selected 33 private kindergartens which were located within a housing site development zone in Gwangju since the 1990's, had single use, and was constructed in the last five years. Also the image assessment according to types of color scheme was made. Then the factors which affected preference by type were analyzed and the basic of color scheme in a kindergarten classroom was provided. The following results were obtained. First, types of color scheme in a classroom included identity 12.1%, similarity 51.5%, and novelty 36.4% in harmony, but no contrast and achromatic color, Secondly, the assessment of preference according to each type was mostly positive. The highest preference was found in similarity harmony of warm color(e.g. YR, Y) and bright, clear, nice, and strong images were high in assessment. The lowest preference was found in identity harmony of cold color(e.g. GY). This color system had no clear image assessment, except manly or strong. In particular, warm color showed higher preference than cold color in similarity, novelty, and identity harmony. Thirdly, the factors affecting the preference of color scheme in a classroom most were ‘stable - unstable’, ‘clean - dirty’, ‘bright - dark’, ‘nice - not nice’, and ‘vital - dull’.



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