공동 작업하는 다중 로봇 시스템의 동적 조작도

Dynamic Manipulability for Cooperating Multiple Robot Systems

  • 심형원 (충남대학교 메카트로닉스공학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


In this paper, both dynamic constraints and kinematic constraints are considered for the analysis of manipulability of robotic systems comprised of multiple cooperating arms. Given bounds on the torques of each Joint actuator for every robot, the purpose of this study is to drive the bounds of task-space acceleration of object carried by the system. Bounds on each joint torque, described as a polytope, is transformed to the task-space acceleration through matrices related with robot dynamics, robot kinematics, object dynamics, grasp conditions, and contact conditions. A series of mathematical manipulations including the procedure calculating minimum infinite-norm solution of linear equation is applied to get the reachable acceleration bounds from given actuator dynamic constrains. Several examples including two robot systems as well as three robot system are shown with the assumptions of complete-constraint contact model(or' very soft contact') and insufficient or proper degree of freedom robot.



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