기업환경과 제휴성공요인에 대한 섬유업체들의 인식

Perceptions of Textile Companies on Business Environments and Alliance Success Factors

  • 박경애 (영남대학교 섬유패션학부) ;
  • 박광희 (계명대학교 패션정보기획전공)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


The purposes of this study were to examine the alliance success factors (ASF) and the business environments (BE) from the textile companies' viewpoint, to examine the differences in ASF and BE by firm characteristics, and to examine the relationships between BE and ASF. BE included the degree of market competition and the firm's competitive advantage, and firm characteristics included type of business, the number of employees, and length of business operation. Data were obtained from 155 textile companies in Daegu and Gyeongbuk regions in Korea via a questionnaire survey. Four factors including relationship capital, organizational support, alliance management, and alliance performance were extracted from ASF, and resources, product development, and marketing were extracted from the firm's competitive advantage. There were differences in product development by the number of employees and in the degree of market competition by type of business. The degree of market competition had significant relationships with all of ASF while the firm's competitive advantage differed in the relationships.



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