복식에 표현된 미적 개념으로서의 엘레강스

Elegance Expressed on Dress as an Aesthetic Concept

  • 발행 : 2004.08.01


Elegance in dress has existed as one of the important archetypes of aesthetic consciousness through the times. Nevertheless, there has generally been Ignored the Idea of analyzing it. The purpose of this study is to provide a framework for a better understanding of the beauty of dress by constructing the concept of elegance in dress as both one of aesthetic categories in dress and refined taste in the sociocultural contexts. For the purpose, the documentary study in sociocultural and aesthetic contexts has been executed. Considering from the holistic viewpoint, elegance in dress is based upon the idea of aristocratic taste cultivated by good breeding. It is expressed visually through not only the carefully contrived dress hut also a sort of aura of dressed body - a combination of appearance, behavior, attitude, manner etc.- with skillful ease. The aesthetic values of elegance consist of luxury, nobility, refinement, femininity, harmony Luxury means rarity and opulence of materials, craftsmanship for excellent qualities, genuineness. Nobility, related to the lady and the gentleman, can be explained as neatness. decency. modesty. and appropriateness for formal occasions. Refinement involves artifice, sophistication, maturity, and subtleness. Femininity reflects the characteristic of feminine attractiveness such as the dainty, the florid, the sweet. Harmony means organic unity. matching with body, moderation in opposition to exaggeration. These values has rather interactivity than exclusion. It is refinement and harmony that are centered on of all values.



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