미숙사과의 페놀계 화합물의 특성

Properties of Phenolic Compounds in Unripened Apples

  • 발행 : 2004.08.01


Abundant amounts of unripe apples, which were picked out before maturation, were abolished every year fer wastes. Since unripen apples are known to be rich in functional components, the ultimate objective of this research was to utilize them for food resources. The concentrations of polyphenols in hot water extract were the lowest, those in 75% acetone extract the highest. Concentrations of polyphenols in 5/30 sample were 3.5 times higher than those in 6/30 sample regardless of solvents used for extraction. The degree of condensation of flavanolic tannins in the peel was lower than those of the other parts, and the hot water extract was more condensed than the acetone extract. The amount of total flavonoids in the peel and 5/30 samples were 2.7 and 5.0 times higher than those of the flesh and 6/30 samples, respectively.



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