PC 통신에 나타난 어머니의 학령기 아동 양육에 관한 내용분석

Content Analysis of Mother′s School Age Child Rearing on PC Communication

  • 김영주 (울산대학교 아동ㆍ가정복지학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.08.01


The purpose of this study was to explore the ideas about mother's school-age child rearing that are represented on cyber space. The method used for this study was content analysis and the data consisted of articles about mother's school-age child rearing on the Hitel bulletin board during 1 year in 2003. It was found that these articles dealt with problems of practice in teaching, counseling, nurturing, interfacing between home and social institutions, and disciplining. For example, 410 articles put great emphasis on teaching. 262 on the child's cognitive development, 208 on counseling with children, especially about school related matters, and 127 on interfacing between home and social institutions(especially school), From these results, we might conclude that many mothers gave their children school related care.



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