환경문제에 대한 소비자태도-행동강화를 위한 소비자정보요구를 기초로 한 소비자 환경교육 프로그램 개발

A Study on the Development of Environment Education Program based on Consumer Information Needs by Pro-environmental Consumer Attitude and Behavior

  • 심미영 (진주국제대학교 가정복지학부)
  • 발행 : 2004.08.01


The purpose of this study is to develop an environmental education program for environmentally friendly consumer behaviors by analyzing factors influencing the attitude-behavior relationship, and examining consumer information needs about environmental problems. Environmental information demanded by consumers could be classified into five main areas; 'use and disposal of environmentally friendly resources', 'purchase of environmentally friendly goods', 'environmental problems and consumer sovereignty', 'environmental laws and regulations' and 'environmental values and consumer's civil consciousness'. Based on the study results, an environmental education program for consumers was developed which consisted of two main parts, basis and practice. The former aimed to strengthen consumer consciousness about environmental problems and the latter, to make regular environmentally friendly consumer behaviors. The two parts were correlated. Thus strengthening environment-related consumer consciousness by learning the part of basis could promote of environmentally friendly consumer behaviors.



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