- J Agric Food Chem v.42 Isoflavone content in commercial soybean foods Wang HJ;Murphy PA
- J Nutr v.125 Soy consumption and cholesterol reduction Carroll KK;Kurowska EM
- Food Industry and Nutr v.5 Hypocholestrolemic effect of soybean and soy products Song YS;Kwon TW
- Korean J Food Sci Technol v.27 Fractionation of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory peptides from soybean paste Shin ZI;Ahn CW;Nam HS;Lee HJ;Moon TH
- Food Ind Nutr v.4 Functional characterization of soy protein hydrolysate Kang JH
- Korean J Food Sci Technol v.25 Modification of functional properties of soy protein isolate by proteolytic enzyme Cha MH;Yoon S
- Cereal Chem v.57 Effects of loaf volume, moisture content, and protein quality on the softness and staling rate of bread Maleki M;Hoseney RC;Mattern PJ
- Cereal Chem v.69 Effect of quantity of wheat flour protein on bread loaf volume He H;Hoseney RC
- J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr v.28 Study on bread-making quality with mixture of waxy barley-wheat flour 1. Rheological properties of dough made with waxy barley-wheat flour mixture Ryu CH
- Korean J Food Sci Technol v.29 Effects of gums, fats and glutens adding on processing and quality of milled rice bread Kang MY;Choi YH;Choi HC
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- Cereal Chem v.51 Interaction of soy flour fractions with wheat flour components in breadmaking Hyder MA;Hoseney RC;Finney KF;Shogren MD
- Baking Science and Technol (3rd ed.) v.I Miscellaneous flours Pyler EJ
- J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr v.32 Development of yeast leavened pan bread using commercial Doenjangs (Korean soybean pastes) : 1. Physicochemical properties of Doenjang and physical properties of bread added with Doenjang Oh HJ;Moon HK;Kim CS
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- Cereal Chem v.76 Role of starch granules in controlling expansion of dough during baking Chiharu KS;Toshiko FJ;Hiroshi MS
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- Agric Biol Chem v.34 Studies on proteae constitution of Aspergillus oryzae Misaki T;Yamada M;Okazaki T;Sawada J
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- Korean J Food Sci Technol v.30 Effect of soybean protein isolate on the baking qualities of bread Bae SH;Rhee C
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