건성마찰력을 받는 탄성재료의 안정성에 미치는 중간 지지의 효과

Effect of an Intermediate Support on the Stability of Elastic Material Subjected to Dry Friction Force

  • 류시웅 (한국기초과학지원연구원 장치운영부) ;
  • 장탁순 (충남대학교 대학원 기계공학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.08.01


This paper discussed on the effect of an intermediate support on the stability of elastic material subjected to dry friction force. It is assumed in this paper that the dry frictional force between a tool stand and an elastic material can be modeled as a distributed follower force. The elastic material on the friction material is modeled for simplicity into an elastic beam on Winkler-type elastic foundation. The stability of beams on the elastic foundation subjected to distributed follower force is formulated by using finite element method to have a standard eigenvalue problem. The first two eigen-frequencies are obtained to investigate the dynamics of the beam. The eigen-frequencies yield the stability bound and the corresponding unstable mode. The considered beams lose its stability by flutter or divergence, depending on the location of intermediate support.



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